Current Events
We are a church that
believes in God, Everyone is welcome.
At our church, we foster a deep sense of community among our members. Our congregation welcomes people of all ages, including children, and we strive to provide opportunities for everyone to explore and deepen their understanding of their faith in Jesus Christ as well as the church’s role both in our local community and on a global scale.
Life Is Better Together
Our Community
We Love our community. Our God is One, but manifested in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, being co-equal.
Join a Group
New here? Or perhaps you’ve just said the salvation prayer and are wondering what’s next. We’re here to help!
Our Church
Life is demanding but Jesus is supplying. Come learn about God’s love for you.
Need Prayer? We Would Love To Pray For You.
We have a strong sense of community with parishioners.
Our Core Values
Serve Out Of Rest
We can be productive and effective on the outside because we have God’s peace and rest on the inside. Serving out of rest is not inactivity, but Spirit-directed activity.
People Matter
We love and value every person because each of us matters to the Lord. In everything we do, we seek to glorify God and edify man.
We seek to excel in all that we do because we have the mind and Spirit of Christ.
Cutting Edge
We endeavour to be innovative and always at the forefront of all that we do. We are geared to the times but still anchored to the Rock.
We treat each other with respect and integrity. We honour and submit to our leaders as unto the Lord.
Our Beliefs and Practices
Our Vision
Transforming Lives Through Jesus Christ! We believe that God wants to transform, heal and prosper us so that we can live blessed and victorious lives that will impact and help others.
Our Mission
Inviting evangelism, Innovative discipleship, Invested lifestyles
in salvation, holiness, stewardship, and service…and God will grant the INCREASE!
Pastor Tilahun Abera
Nobody is perfect.
Anything is possible
Pastor Tilahun, Pastor